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The crazy new way I'm training

I just finished a strength training activity that lasted about 0hh:25mm:0ss !

I'm not someone who loves routine. Doing the same thing day in and day out makes me feel trapped, stifled, limited. Even doing the same kind of exercise session each Monday and then something different on Tuesdays, etc is quickly a boring prospect for me.

So I thought I'd try something completely different. Somewhat inspired by David Goggins (Google him, he's a biiiiiit extreme, but very interesting!) and influenced by the amazingly gentle and ultra knowledgeable Hampton from Hybrid Calisthenics (find on YouTube) I created something I've never heard of anyone do before.

I pick ONE target strength activity for the day. I set a goal that feels doable but very uncomfortable; something that will challenge me both physically AND mentally to get it done. I start the moment I wake up and I can do my total target number over as many sets as I need.

Today, it was pull ups.


Since I am a 40 year old woman (and not a 20 year old man) I don't need to be doing full pull ups with my entire 65kg - thank you very much! Doing them from this 45 degree angle, on rings, is plenty! Yes, I'm wearing gloves because my hands are used to typing on a keyboard not doing any kind of regular hard labour :P They started bare but were hurting after the first couple of sets, so the gloves came out. I'm here to challenge myself not hurt myself!


Here's how I kept track:

I put the chosen activity at the top (because I've done a handful of these already and I want to remember what exercise I did when I look at the oversized post it notes!).

I put the date (same reason as the former).

I put a goal number - to help me stay focused and motivated.

Then I record how many reps I do in each set and what time (in 24 hour format) I did that set.

As you can see in the very last set there are two numbers clumped together. In this case, while I had already surpassed my 150 goal, I wanted to MATCH the pull ups goal I reached last time (180) and so I did 13 reps, then needed a rest as my arms refused to do anymore. I paused for about one minute and then struggled through to do the remaining 7 needed, with the best form I could muster at this late stage in the day.

Job done!!


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