RE: A hot afternoon. A short run. Job done ✅

OMG brother. OMG. Did you feel me reaching out to you saying. "I misssssss you?"

I think you must have felt me because I had been meaning to write on one of your recent posts and say exactly that... but no need, apparently. You could hear me calling out to you from way over here 😂😍😄

Gosh, I love it when things like this happen. So hi! I missed you 😂 !LOL

How have you been, mister? What's news? How's university going?

Yes, things are good here. Interesting some days, challenging others. Almost always trending upwards and rarely bad enough for me to feel (too) sorry for myself. (Being on Hive also helps with that by reminding me how freakin' blessed I am).

Daily exercise routine hey? It's much easier if you have someone to tag along with who is ultra driven. My partner is very, very driven to do exercise and had been doing it every day, without any prompting from anyone else, long before we met. I just get to gratefully go along for the ride. I wonder if there's anyone else who lives closeby to you guys that you could jump in with? Or an exercise group or run group? Are there such things near you?

Ed, big fan. Big. He's ridiculously awesome as a musician and I love that he loves creating music so much. I think it's good for the soul to engage with others who are truly lit up by what they do.

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