RE: I've decided to do a marathon this year! (Did I really just say that?! 😅🤔😛)

Yes! It just come out less than a month ago. It's awesome!

I'm not a runner anymore

Why is that? (If you care to share. I'd love to know. Why did you stop? And do you still love the idea of running? Maybe Born to Run 2 will help you get back into it??)

July is a pretty reasonable time to do a marathon here in Queensland. While it's "winter" the top half of Australia (along the coastline, anyway) doesn't really get very cold. Sometimes the day the GC marathon is held it gets to 20'C before the end of the run! But it can get down below 10'C overnight, which is better for running anyway!

I definitely wouldn't want to do a marathon in July in Tasmania 😂 Or anywhere that's latitudinally as close to either pole as Tasmania is! Like anywhere in the top half of Europe or anywhere mountainous 😝

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