I finally ran a parkrun course PB!

Gosh, I'm out of shape.

Or, to be more specific (or correct) my shape is actually great. And my strength is actually increasing since I've shifted my focus to training for obstacle course races.

But my fitness sucks! is not quite where it used to be.

I was very happy to get an almost five minute PB on a parkrun course here in SE Qld this morning.

Though working so hard to run 5km in 28:09 feels kind of silly compared to the fitness I once had. My easy, conversational pace on a flat ish course like this one used to be 5:00 pace.

Today I ran an average pace of 5:45 (p/km) and I was working!!!!

Check out the stats!!

Sure, I have a wrist watch and not a chest strap but still! My perceived rate of exertion for this morning's run would have been a solid 7 (/10).

At least it was pretty!

And at least my average cadence is now naturally much higher than it was at the beginning of the year when I started tweaking it πŸ™Œ

And (another voice in my head says...) At least I finally got another course PB like I'd wanted for aaaaaages. πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜‰πŸ˜β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜€πŸ˜Ž

Ah, how easy is it to compare ourselves to the person we were in the past instead of just being right here, right now with the person we are today, hey?

Photos of me were taken by my trusty parkrun buddy, Brad (aka @new.things). These photos make it look like I was running solo but there were hundreds of people there! Screenshot photos of data come courtesy of the Garmin Connect App.πŸ™

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