Kettlebell Workout with focus on legs

Hello fitness friends!

Sharing my kettlebell workout today. The focus was on my legs and I got a good pump when I finished the workout. After the warm-up, I started with kettlebell deadlifts (24kg) alternating with a few gorilla cleans (2 x 16kb). Check out this article and video if you have never done gorilla cleans. I ended with a few rounds of 10 kettlebell swings with 24kg. I'm generally at a way higher heart rate but I tried to keep it lower this time and not push it into the orange and red zone. You have to mix things up and not do every time the same. I burned around 530 calories. Now it's time for an ice-cold shower.

This was a nice and moderate workout. I will try to share my workouts more often and also share some info about kettlebells and how to use them. I saw too many videos where people don't exactly know what to do or hold and rack the KB wrong. Like a broken wrist grip and bad racking position after a clean.

broken wrist grip
broken wrist grip

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