Kettlebell Workout on Mother Day

Hello, fitness and kettlebell friends!

Finally, I could work out in my garden with a bit of sunshine. It started to rain a few drops but not too long and the sun came back.
You see a 10kg kettlebell (blue) in the picture above and a 16kg kettlebell (red).


  • 5 min warm up as always

  • 3 x 3 bent press then 2 x 5 bent press each side (10kg)
    the picture is with 16kg

  • 3 x 3 single arm swings and 3 full snatch each side (16kg)

  • 3 x 8 full snatch each side (16kg)

  • 2 x 12 half snatch each side (16kg)

  • mobility exercise

  • different farmers walks
    4 x with two 16kg kettlebells
    3 x with 24kg on just one side then on the other side

  • gorilla cleans 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
    This is such a heart rate pusher. 7 reps got me really hard


bent press

clean & rack

one arm swing

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