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Out in the sun again...

I just finished a 3.18km running that lasted about 0hh:24mm:3ss !


Hi everyone,

I took this photo during my run today... I'm not sure if you can see, but that little white bump on the horizon is Mt St Helens which still is fully snowy, even as we gradually leave summer. Mt Hood has snow on it too, which is exciting... I think last year they were both completely melted.

I posted my analytics today, and, ah, they're not great.
I got a bit lazy with the social media push and it all just completely died. It's so hard to get new users along with keeping the regulars. There are a core group of users, but man, it's a tricky one. I'll fully admit that I have no idea what I'm doing.

Over the weekend I put together a post about the Mask Math site, and oh my god, I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into...


The huge range of comments I copped where just absolutely rife with misinformation and accusations. I have no idea why people were putting in so much effort to convince me not to wear a mask...

Here were some gems, but there were many, many more...

Yep... wearing a mask WILL leave to governmental genocide, watch out...

Nothing to worry about dudes and dudettes...

This was my favourite... I wasn't angry at all, we were just discussing the numbers, but it's a good tactic... if an argument isn't going your way, accuse the other side of getting emotional.

I'm sure this happens to people on Twitter all the time, but I had honestly never seen anything like it. I honestly feel like I kinda wasted my Saturday arguing with people who just wanted to shout at me but not hear anything I said... which, I'm sure, they probably feel the same way about me.

Anyway, it was great to get out for a run this afternoon... my hip is still a thing, but I think it's becoming less of a thing... very, very slowly.

Hope everyone is doing really well!

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