Invest in BlockTunes DAO bTUNES Token Using bHBD on BSC


BlockTunes is a cross-chain music platform offering NFT markets and our DEFI-backed DAO using Binance Smart Chain or BSC. It is extremely easy to move funds back and forth between Hive and BSC using the @leofinance wLEO bridge. This is why we are looking at Binance Smart Chain as a second layer to Hive.

Our BlockTunes.Social Hive front end is a great way to post and earn the funds you need to be able to purchase our bTUNES DAO token or music NFTs with bHBD!



Not only that, we are now going to be paying out our artists with the bHBD token so they can either swap for BUSD or other assets, or bridge back to Hive and stack in your savings wallet for that sweet 20% APR!

We are really excited to be bringing cross-chain use cases for our awesome tokens!

We are using this bear market wisely and just keeping our head down and building. Our OpenTunes EDITIONS NFT collection, which is a BEP-1155 contract that both the creator and the DAO get a cut! More info on this coming soon!

The next big project will be to create FAQ documents that will be posted on the site and then sent to the BlockTunes.Social front end on Hive using the Exxp plugin!

In the meantime, come and check out some of our latest releases for @groove-logic and @ravenmus1c!


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