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Trip back to memory lane : Camel

I have written already about this great band Camel some time ago on another platform, @slobberchops might remember. Camel is a progressive rockband from the UK that has been around a very, I mean very long time. From 1971. In those years the have had many changes in musicians but always with Andrew Latimer as the solid guitarist, singer , multi-instrumentalist.

Source A great performance at the Royal albert hall in 2018.

I got to know Camel through my father. He is a great lover of symphonic / progressive rock. We played a lot of Camel & Floyd at our house. What has always stayed with me, and still touches me, is Andrew's great guitar sound. For me characteristic in Camel's music. I think he has the most beautiful guitar sound I've ever heard. The combination of his subtle playing style with the great sound makes this music unique.

On pressure points is the great song "Drafted" which I have a great memory of.

I don't remember exactly when it was, it must be 20 years ago. I discovered that Camel in Amsterdam would give a performance in Paradiso, a beautiful venue in the middle of Amsterdam with a great ambiance. I called my brother if that wouldn't be a nice surprise for our dad, just don't say anything, buy a ticket and take him with us. So we did that, we picked it up, without telling us why. It wasn't until we got to Paradiso that he saw what was going on, Camel. It was a great night, and the best moment was when the band played the song Drafted. My father was leaning against a pillar, completely enjoying the music until we suddenly saw him pink away a tear. Totally moved by the music, seeing the band live. An evening to remember for all three of us.


a song which I can remember very well is Rhayader. A catchy tune with a nice flute part. This song shows a lot of Andrew's talent.


Although they have made so many beautiful songs, I also think "West Berlin" is a great song. But like I say, there are so many. If you can appreciate the music, try a night on YouTube to take a closer look at Camel.


Have a great weekend,
