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Mad World Contest is back! Win an NFT animated tune and 5HBD

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One @d-vine and My Show we are all about fun music and contests. As some of you know we revived @termitemusic's World Wide cypher Jam that will be a semi regular thing (depending on termites time schedule ). So Some of you might remember my Mad World Contest I have decided to revive it and make it part of our show.

What is The Mad World contest you might ask?- Well this is how it goes

Contest Specifications:

1- make a piece of music (any genre) In which you use 5 household Items and or residents as a base. ( only 2 living beings are allowed the other 3 must be inanimate objects. ) Example you can use your dogs bark, your aunt Lily's denture , cans, pots and pans, your belly as percussion, a crisp/chip bag, your wife's snoring, Uncle Fred's Urn (bet he would like to be shaken up a bit- death sux!) soda bottles, spray cans get the idea ...the more creative the better.

2-To these 5 sounds you can add vocals, Instrumentation, beats but the 5 Instruments need to be noticeable not just hidden in the piece.

3-Take a photograph of each of the five items and tell us how you used them.

4- everyone is invited, every skill level welcome.

5- Videos of the song and the process are acceptable submissions.

This Round's Theme

As it was a my birthday a few days ago this rounds theme will revolve around one of my favourite things in the world PIE!!! So the song you create needs to be pie centric meaning pie needs to mentioned if the song isn't completely about PIE !

This is how a making of can look like, it was the making of video to the winning song wayback when- @carlgnash was the perpetrator - and here is the finished song

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other specs:

1-upvote this post as it will help making the rewards pool larger. (You do not have to repost but it would be appreciated as it lets people know about the contest).

2- all included pictures need to be your own or include a correct image source

3- the song needs to be your own work specifically written for this contest. Plagiarism or recycling will be cause for instant disqualification.

4- The 5 household Items need to be played by you- foreign samples do not count!

5- you must post it under the tag #madworldmusic

6- leave a link to your entry in the comment section of this post

7- only one entry is allowed per participant -The deadline is on April 30th at 00:00 hours (midnight) Eastern Standard Time. The winner will be revealed, and the Top three played on the show Saturday May 1st 2021 between 3-5 UTC


Listen to the show on MSP-WAVES

Join ONE TRIBE RADIO on the PAL DISCORD to participate in the audience

image credit


First place will win a Hive G-raff - a Pigs in Space 2 animated Tune - a Bitcoin Jungle NFT and 1/2 of the earnings of this post .

Second place will receive a hive G-raff and a bitcoin Jungle NFT

Third place will receive a hive G-raff NFT

All minted and hosted on @nftshowroom

💜 💜 💜 Good luck to all participants! 💜 💜 💜

P.s calling on : @asonintrigue, @battleaxe, @bsusushba, @carlgnash , @comedyopenmic, @d-pend, @d-vine, @darrenclaxton, @edprivat, @enginewitty, @hilladigahackles, @isaria, @jeffleinwand, @junkfeathers, @lk666 @mermaidvampire, @nickyhavey , @sgt-dan, @snook, @soundwavesphoton, @stickupboys, @termitemusic, @thomasrobertgent, @wolfnworbeikood, @yidneth and anyone else on the planet that would like to join - COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE !!! COME AND PLAY!!!

Join Me & @d-vine Every Saturday on our show

UTC 03:00 pm - 05:00 pm





Image powered by @enginewitty

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(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the late loved and so very missed jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme)

Member of EMA

this little girl was made for me by @barbara-orenya