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Rising Star... A Star Rising!


It's been 17 days since that dreaded incident when I clickerd on a link and lost my whole Hive/Rising Star world. I just want to give an update for those following my adventure!

I had just broke into the top 10 and was climbing the ladder to the top. My main motivation was because I was mad at @libertines[Paleshelter] for hogging all the starpro in the music promoter section. I was determined to get up next to him, he's in 2nd place. (I had no clue what I was going to do when I got there, but I was on my way 😂) I was in 7th place but I only have a picture of when I was in 9th

When I started the game over I was #42

17 days later I'm #22

I would not be rising so fast if it weren't for the awesome people in our community. I am eternally gratefull for all of you that has helped out in any way! The way I plan on paying people back Is by making sure that Rising Star has the best exhilarating, mesmerizing, invigorating, intoxicating, groundbreaking, breathtaking, funkabulous music on the blockchain. I Have some collaborations that I'm working on, if any of you artist want to jam let me know, I can't do this alone 😎