Introducing myself

Hello, everyone!

My name is Tulio, I'm from brazil and I really love music!

I work as a project manager and, even though I'm not a professional musician, I play in a band and we do small gigs every now and then. Well, at least we used to, before COVID19 was a thing.

I've been playing guitar for almost 30 years now. I first started playing classical guitar and then, after a few years, I got my first electric guitar as a gift and since then I've been playing more blues and rock n roll.

My most recent guitar is a Tele-type that was a custom build for me. This guitar is very special to me because I was involved in pretty much every step of the way: picking the woods, hardware, design specs and so on.

For some reason, I can't seem to be able to upload pictures here, but as soon as I get that sorted out I'll upload pictures of the guitar.

Anyway, this is just a short introduction. I hope to contribute a lot more to this community and help it grow every day!

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