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(Spanish) Album Rumours de Fleetwood Mac: Amor, desamor y excesos / (English) Fleetwood Mac Album Rumours: Love, Heartbreak and Excesses

(Spanish) Album Romours de Fleetwood Mac: Amor, desamor y excesos

Fleetwood Mac es una banda de rock nacido en 1967 en Londres, poco valorada esta banda ha tenido constantes cambios en la agrupaci贸n. En esta ocasi贸n hablaremos de su 谩lbum m谩s exitoso Romours publicado en 1977, y que ocupa el sexto lugar de los 谩lbumes m谩s vendidos en toda la historia con 45 millones de copias vendidas en todo el mundo, pero 驴qu茅 hace tan especial este 谩lbum? Las canciones de Rumours plasmaban el derrumbe emocional de los tres compositores, Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie y Lindsey Buckingham.

Adem谩s, solo ir a trabajar al estudio era un sacrificio emocional para todos ellos, pero de ese proceso salieron canciones magn铆ficas como The change. Durante las grabaciones los miembros del grupo estaban pasando por alg煤n problema separaciones, infidelidades, peleas o drogas aun as铆 lograron trabajar en este 谩lbum, pero la mayor铆a de las composiciones las hac铆an por su lado y luego trataban de unir todo.

Photography courtesy of societyofrock

A su vez durante la grabaci贸n del 谩lbum, la cantante y compositora estadounidense Stevie Nicks, comenz贸 a escribir una canci贸n que precisamente habla sobre enredos rom谩nticos esta era Dreams, este track estaba dirigido directamente a Lindsey Buckingham a manera de venganza, ya que Stevie Nicks estaba muy molesta despu茅s de que Bukingham, hab铆a mostrado la canci贸n Hold your own way, una canci贸n que claramente trataba sobre Stevie Nicks.

As铆 mismo cuando Stevie Nicks escribi贸 Dreams e hizo un demo le entreg贸 un cassette con esa canci贸n a Lindsey, como el de demo estaba mal grabado decidieron volverla a grabar. Lindsey mir贸 a Stevie y le sonri贸, la canci贸n era muy buena, a pesar de lo que estaban pasando entre ellos era triste, era una pareja que no lograba estar en paz. Pero como m煤sicos todav铆a se respetaban y gracias a eso lograron sacar canciones brillantes.

Photography courtesy of retronewser

Por otra parte, el 谩lbum necesit贸 siete estudios de grabaci贸n, un a帽o entero y m谩s de un mill贸n de d贸lares. Al final el p煤blico recibi贸 un producto de 39 minutos con 43 segundos de duraci贸n y 11 canciones, ninguna fue relleno todas las piezas ten铆an potencial de convertirse en la canci贸n favorita de alguien. Rumours es el disco de rock pop perfecto con pasajes de tremenda intensidad alternados con canciones m铆sticas y suaves.

En efecto tal ha sido el impacto de esta banda que durante la grabaci贸n de un video por la plataforma de Tiktok por un usuario, este us贸 una de las canciones de la agrupaci贸n musical que logr贸 virilizarse. Despu茅s de 42 a帽os regres贸 nuevamente al top 10 del Billboard Tour Android que es el listado de los 谩lbumes m谩s importantes en USA.

Crear el 谩lbum fue una tortura emocional que, insospechadamente, se tradujo en una transformaci贸n individual y colectiva de la que sali贸 pura magia.

(English) Fleetwood Mac Album Romours: Love, Heartbreak and Excesses

Fleetwood Mac is a rock band born in 1967 in London, little valued this band has had constant changes in the grouping. This time we will talk about his most successful album Romours released in 1977, and that ranks sixth of the best-selling albums in all history with 45 million copies sold worldwide, but what makes this album so special? The songs of Rumors captured the emotional breakdown of the three composers, Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie and Lindsey Buckingham.

Also, just going to work in the studio was an emotional sacrifice for all of them, but that process came out great songs like The change. During the recordings the members of the group were going through some problems, separations, infidelities, fights or drugs, even so they managed to work on this album, but most of the compositions were made by themselves and then they tried to put everything together.

Photography courtesy of societyofrock

In turn, during the recording of the album, the American singer and songwriter Stevie Nicks, began to write a song that precisely talks about romantic entanglements this era Dreams, this track was directed directly to Lindsey Buckingham as a revenge, since Stevie Nicks was very upset after Bukingham, had shown the song Hold your own way, a song that was clearly about Stevie Nicks.

Likewise, when Stevie Nicks wrote Dreams and made a demo, he gave a cassette with that song to Lindsey, since the demo was badly recorded, they decided to record it again. Lindsey looked at Stevie and smiled at him, the song was very good, despite what they were going through between them was sad, it was a couple who could not be at peace. But as musicians they still respected each other and thanks to that they managed to put out brilliant songs.

Photography courtesy of retronewser

On the other hand, the album required seven recording studios, a whole year and more than a million dollars. In the end the public received a product of 39 minutes with 43 seconds of duration and 11 songs, none of them was filled, all the pieces had the potential to become someone's favorite song. Rumors is the perfect pop rock album with passages of tremendous intensity alternated with soft, mystical songs.

Indeed, such has been the impact of this band that during the recording of a video by the Tiktok platform by a user, he used one of the songs of the musical group that managed to become virilized. After 42 years, he returned to the top 10 of the Billboard Android Tour, which is the list of the most important albums in the USA.

Creating the album was an emotional torture that, unexpectedly, resulted in an individual and collective transformation from which pure magic came out.