This was unexpected but great! :D

Hey guys , How are you?

I hope you are doing Fine. I am writing to you because I am happy to see that people did enjoy my last post about neo classical music.

This is awesome! honestly I am surprised. well I want to let you know that classical music is one of my favorite genres to compose even tough is not the most popular nowdays, But since I know that you like it. I want to share with you this!

first I have to tell you this one is based on Renaissance music, well in those times there was confrontations and controversy because some musicians was catholic and other ones was protestants, so there was 1 specific genre and style of composing for each.

in the middle of this "religious war" there was a composer called "Thomas Luis de Victoria" and he was using a "fairly new technique called counterpoint"

the song I am sharing with you today is a composition I made with counterpoint and inspired on that period of time, so I hope you like it. please let me know your toughs, I called it "Sacred Search" because of the nature of the genre

I have noticed not many people write responses on the post, however if you want you can write on the youtube video, its my channel (I just made that one exclusive for my classical music, its new and you will find much more music of this genre there). Also you can share the music and like it, it can help me :D

thank you very much in advance , and now here is the music:

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