Never stop dreaming

Hello friends write to you again @loganhate

Yesterday I lived one of the most beautiful moments of my life and I would like to share it with you

He is my grandfather Roberto Lopez, he is a great composer from Tacotalpa, unfortunately due to lack of resources he was never able to record his songs, a few months ago I proposed to myself without him knowing how to produce an album with some of the many songs that they wrote decades ago and yesterday for the first time. Once you heard your first song, you don't know how happy your reaction made me.

The song was beautiful and soon I will upload it on this profile for those who like to listen to it.

I take this opportunity to share with you that despite your age you always retain that faith and hope that dreams can one day be achieved.

PD. Anything that can be earn from liquids in this publication will be used to continue producing my grandfather's album, thanks in advance for your support.

Hola amigos, les escribe de nuevo @loganhate

Ayer viv铆 uno de los momentos m谩s lindos de mi vida y me gustar铆a compartirlo con ustedes.

El es mi abuelo Roberto L贸pez, es un gran compositor Tacotalpence, lamentablemente por falta de recursos nunca pudo grabar sus canciones, hace unos meses me propuse sin que 茅l supiera producir un disco con algunas de las tantas canciones que escribi贸 hace d茅cadas y ayer por primera vez escuch贸 su primera canci贸n, no sabes lo feliz que me hizo ver su reacci贸n.

La canci贸n es hermosa y pronto la subir茅 por aqu铆 para quienes les guste escucharla.

Aprovecho para compartir esta experiencia y sobre todo que nos sirve de motivaci贸n que a pesar de la edad, mientras conserves la fe y la esperanza, alg煤n d铆a tus sue帽os pueden cumplirse.

PD. Lo poco o mucho que se pueda recaudar de liquidez en esta publicaci贸n se utilizar谩 para seguir produciendo el disco de mi abuelo, gracias de antemano por tu apoyo.

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