Lulu - oldies but goldies! 🎶


On her real name, Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie, Lulu is a Scottish singer with a powerful voice and great success in her career.

I have discovered her years ago while listening on youtube her song ''The boat that I row''. This song empowered me at that time. I was in a period when I didn't want to settle for less than I want it from a relationship. I was also astonished by her voice, her appearance, and stage presence.

Lulu had achieved in her career big things.

  • She has won Eurovision back in 1969 performing the song "Boom Bang-a-Bang". This is a love song that speaks about a woman whose heart goes boom bang-a-bang when she is close to her loved one.


  • Another song of her's (''To Sir with Love'') reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100 and was the best-selling hit in the United States in 1967. This song seems to refer to a teacher, a black man, that took her and her colleagues ''from crayons to perfume”, and taught them right from wrong.


  • She is best known to American music fans for the song “The Man with the Golden Gun”, the song from the James Bond film of the same name.


And these are only a few of the songs that made her so appreciated in the UK and abroad. But I will let you discover more by yourself if you wish to.

Lulu is also an actress, television personality, and businesswoman. So, her success goes far from the music stage.

Hope you enjoyed my post about Lulu and maybe discovering her even more if it didn't happen yet.

Best regards to all music lovers out there ❣️


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