My World Is UpsideDown ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

Hello, you lovelies!

I hope you had a great holiday I am coming to you today because I need a little help. December was really rough on my end both financially and emotionally.
One of my fur kids Ella was diagnosed with a heart condition then shortly after she had a tooth infection that ended in a larger dental surgery that cost a whopping 800 Euro. Thankfully she recovered well but the days leading up and shortly after the surgery was very stressful as I feared something could happen to her with her underlying heart issues, but we were lucky and it all turned out great.

As most of you know I am a Cancer survivor and while I am in full remission my immune system is still in recovery, plus radiation and the surgeries have left me with chronic pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Stress is literally a killer in my case and the stress of the last weeks has my body punishing me in multiple ways.
Since the beginning of the month, I have had a bad sinus infection that migrated into my ear that I can’t seem to shake. The cold and damp weather isn’t helping either as it is triggering joint pain and deep tissue issues at the operation site.
So health-wise I have been in a cycle of meh as well.

Just when I thought things were getting better my landlord decided that she was going to let me know that she no longer wants me to live here a day before Christmas.
So now I am faced with trying to find a place that will allow dogs in a pandemic, during an extreme housing shortage.
To top things off, my fridge died on me one day before Christmas Eve!
This really sucks because many of the supplements and things I eat to battle my immune issues and keep cancer at bay need refrigeration. So now I have to worry about that as well.
All of the above has me extremely stressed.

The end of 2021 is starting to look a bit glum and I feel a bit overwhelmed.
While I can see that a change of scenery away from my very invasive and abrasive landlord will be better for me in the long run the process of finding and moving into a better and safe home is going to be a mammoth task.
Don’t get me wrong I am a warrioresss, I beat cancer twice and have survived a ton of crap in my lifetime, but it does not mean that it is easy or happens without stress and fear. No Woman is an island so I have come to a point where I need a bit of help to navigate the current issues.

So if any of you can help with the following I would be more than thankful. If anyone knows of an affordable place 2-3 ZKB around Karlsruhe or in Rheinland Pfalz around Kaiserslautern or Neustadt that allows dogs, please reach out via private message.
I am willing to spread out further if I have to but this area is home and It would be my preference (unless you are offering me a castle in the woods, with a rose garden and woodland animals, for free then I will take that ).
Also, if any of you have a second-hand fridge or could spare a few euros or some crypto to help me buy a new one it would really help, the vet costs killed my budget, and being self-employed and currently sick means I am not getting paid.
So yeah this is all stressful and sucky but don’t worry too much because ultimately it has to get better, right ?

In the end, I would like to tell you all how grateful I am for every single one of you,
I wish you a wonderful Christmas filled with love, laughter & a bit of carefreeness.
It’s not about how 2021 ends, it is about how we start 2022 and we will make it awesome!
I am certain of it, NEVER GIVE UP!

For those of you who can help financially, crypto is appreciated!!

AUDIO wallet: 0x8e0057fc9d0e78c35ad7f76c98ba801e532d1930
EMT/ EOS wallet: ellisan.ftw
SOLANA wallet: 7zKPtuKt2fW7hnt2PRtZVbwZxiMFpew5T5XpmMZyWBFa

My Paypal is or
any funds sent will go to getting the fridge and upcoming vet bills.

Thank you all for your interest and support.
Happy Holidays, much love & huggins,

#merrychristmas #happyholidays #grateful #iloveyou #nevergiveup #crazinessfollowsme #myinsanitylevel

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