Rising Star Game: I just opened 12 Random Card Packs with 100k Starbits! and my status

Hello Community

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haha, lets start with with the Clickbait thumbnail... lol no I did not get an epic or legendary cards from my 12 random card packs... I am sad....

I have the Lambo card in the Thumbnail already...

100 k Starbits - 12 Random Card Pacls

Let check them out!!!

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Although no epic or legendary cards, I did get some decent and nice Rare Character cards. At the moment, I need more fans lol...
So the Frankie and Storm cards are quite good as they have more than 100 fans.

One good thing is that the 1 fan boost is taken out from these random card packs, or I will be getting a lot of it lol...

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I used to have more than 10% of the total supply of fanboost1 cards, now it seems that more users are joining... haha so I have less than 10% now.



My current Stats are okay at the moment. I have a bit more fans than Skills so I need to do music lessons. That being said, there are 20k of my fan base that are drunk fans so they are temporary and will leave when they become sober... haha, the drunk fans element of the game still makes me laugh these days..


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Level wise, I have been playing consistently recently, so I have just breached level 1780... heading my way to level 1800. However, the highest level requirement in the game is below 300 I think, so level is just a good number to have at the moment. Nonetheless I must not slack off...


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Rank wise, I am still hodling the #4 place barely though... haha, #5 Slobberchops is so close haha... the competition is fun. I was on a hiatus for more than a month so I can only blame myself.

However, it is great to see the Weekly minutes move up to over 2000 now which is good.

My IM is still very low compared to my Rising Starers in the top 10, but it is not something that can be changed quickly.

The Game has really shaped nicely over time and I look forward to see how it develops over time.

Do you also want to test out the RisingStar game?

The game is in beta now.

Always do your own research before you put money in a game

If you interested in testing out the game:
Here is the referral link.


I get 1 Starbit for every mission that you complete. But you don't have to use my referral link if you don't want to. No Stress :)

Hope you enjoyed the post.
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