Express yourself through writing

Watching a television program, I found it interesting that most of the cases of obesity presented there had their origin in family problems and low self-esteem. So in these extreme cases people were referred to specialized therapists, and one of the recommended therapies was writing.

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Sometimes we do not know how important it is to express our emotions, feelings, talk about the problems we face and control negative thoughts, because in one way or another they will be reflected in our body in most cases in physical form as headaches, palpitations, stomach problems, anxiety, stress and so on.

Some people find it easier to practice dancing, painting, reading, walking, listening to music, in short, doing activities that allow them to let off steam, however not all of us have the same ability to engage in conversations and less of our most intimate, deepest things, or we do not have people who can understand us and feel confident to talk about our feelings and experiences, or any special problem, and that is where we can use writing. Of course, it is always better to talk, however, writing can be a good substitute.

How can writing help you as therapy? Writing can help you change the way you see things, focusing on the power you give to words, so you will see if you use in your life positive words that nourish you or negative words that hurt you. The first thing we look for is to write on paper are our thoughts, a problem or a particular emotion to be treated, here it is not important if you are a good or bad writer, if you have skills, good writing or spelling, although we must always take care of it, here is not the most important thing but the process that is lived.

There are several exercises that can be done at home, or in a place where you feel comfortable. You just have to take a pencil and paper to heal that situation, releasing without fear the emotions as they appear. You can write a letter to forgive and accept yourself, a letter to a person who has hurt you, a poem or simply whatever comes to your mind. In this way you will be able to see the emotions from the outside and give them form. It is not necessary to keep them, we can erase them or discard our writings.

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Now, you may be wondering, does it always work? It may happen that it does not work, it all depends on how it is used and the degree of commitment that the person has to help him/herself. For example, if the person only writes down the negative aspects and only delves into them, complains and regrets all the time what he/she does is to sink deeper, here writing is not a good idea because the person is not learning, growing at a personal level or advancing and even more important if what is done is to worsen the symptoms, it is advisable to go hand in hand with a specialist to guide us. If, on the contrary, we observe that a few days after having started writing we have improved, we see things with more positivity, we have more hope of feeling better, then it is an indication that we are on the right track!

What do I prefer to write? Writing also strengthens positive emotions, it allows us to see our strengths and values. Therefore, I prefer to apply creative writing through a gratitude journal, focusing on all the positive things I have in my life, the blessings that surround me every day, as well as my desires, dreams and goals, since writing them down and reading them as if they have already come true makes me feel good. It is better to write the blessings than to write the problems.

Without realizing it, writing in this platform this kind of topics is a way to show us through the posts, to tell our stories and experiences being this way a therapy that helps us to grow in different areas.

Thank you for reading, I hope the information I present is useful, until next time!.

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