What will life be like when the covid-19 virus comes to an end?

I know, many people are fed up with all those posts about the coronavirus, and I truly agree. I have stopped reading all those posts about it in the online newspapers as well. I check the daily stats to see how it is spreading, and that is mostly it.

But, I do think about the virus and ponder upon what effects it will have on the earth. It is one thing that people have lost their jobs, another thing that people are dying and suffering. But, recently, I have been thinking about totally different aspects of the virus.

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How will the virus affect you? Source: Pixabay

How will the virus affect you?

Let us say that it all comes to an end in 3 months from now. What will life be like then? I have read so many comments and thoughts from people, for example:

There will be a baby-boom on earth in 9 months!

Have you thought about that? Is that really so? Today I even read that the main factory producing condoms and material for companies such as Durex just stopped production, something that will cause a lack of condoms (most likely). Man, what is going on and what will happen? Will we really see a baby-boom in 9 months from now? Will people have more sex because they are stuck at home?

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Will we see a baby-boom in 9 months? Source: Pixabay

There will be tons of divorces once the virus is over!

Many people in China have reported that there are lots of divorces taking place in Wuhan at the moment. What happened? After being stuck together with their spouse for some months, they suddenly realized that they were not good together at all. I have also read in other countries that they expect it will be lots of divorces once it all comes to an end.

So, what's going to happen? Will there be babies? Or will there be divorces? Or will there be both?

I will be extremely fat when this all ends!

My smart-watch hasn't been nice to me recently. While it normally tells me that I have made between 8000-13000 steps daily, it has recently shown me numbers such as 2500 and so. What effect will this have on me? Will I end up with a big belly in a few months? Also, what effect will it have on me that I am inside mostly all day? Will I eat a lot of chocolate and drink Coca Cola (I am not much of a beer drinker), and put on weight, not only because my lack of activity, but also because I eat and drink to cheer me up while I feel sorry for myself?

Will I lose weight in the coming months?

Or will I experience the opposite? After all, you don't want to go outside and to stores, so you try to eat as little as possible, in order to make what you have enough for the upcoming days and months? And who knows, even though I move around little, the calories I eat will still be so few that I will end up losing weight?

Will I run to a psychologist when this is over?

Many people say that this is a big hit on us all as mankind. We are forced to live in a way we have never experienced before. This is a pressure that we haven't seen, and many suffer from fear every single day. So, when it all comes to an end, will I run to a psychologist, because I suddenly let the stress and trauma of it all get lose and I don't know how to handle it?

Will I stand happier and stronger than ever?

This is the version I hope will turn true. I have written quite a lot of articles about it, but I do hope that this will be a golden period in my life. Not only because I have more time at home, but because I can have more quality time with my kids and family, I have time to do things I haven't done before, and because I believe that this is a time of opportunity!

So, what will life be like when this all comes to an end? I don't know, but I would love to hear your thoughts. Will you have a big, fat belly, having a hard time dragging it with you to the psychologist? Or will you be in better shape than ever? I would love to hear your thoughts, everyone!

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