ZKSwap: 80 Million Airdrop!

I have been following ZKSwap for a while and it is a very interesting project. It is a layer2 solution for ETH token swap so realtime transfer and no gas fees.
Current ETH gas situation is pretty terrible.


Slow transaction costs about $15 😑
This is why people and projects are shifting to other alternatives like BSC or... ZKSwap?
I haven't actually used KZSwap, but how it works is kind of similar to Loopring.
Connect your wallet and move your assets to their layer2. Once your assets are on layers, you can swap, use LP and gas mining to earn ZKS tokens.

But a lot more simpler user interface and less intimidating, more intuitive?


The ZKS Airdrop 🎊 👇

1:1 airdrop to all users who hold ZKS in layer1, ZKSwap layer 2 or ZKSwap Proof-of-staking contract.
The snapshot for the airdrop will be taken at

10:00 am February 25, 2021, Beijing time.

They announced that they are going to take a snapshot this coming Tursday!
Maybe that is why ZKS is going up right now?


If you get ZKS before the snapshot, you will get 1 to 1 token airdrop! ZKS is listed at Huobi and MXC.com, or you can go to ZKSwap and swap some tokens on layer2 and get some ZKS tokens.
It seems like there is a layer2 asset migration campaign to incentivize users right now, so if you are interested and want to take advantage of that details here
ZKSwap Will Launch Layer 2 Asset Migration Incentive Campaign, Deposit to ZKSwap Layer2 to Share 1 Million ZKS Reward

More details about airdrop here.
Ethereum Layer 2 Project ZKSwap will Airdrop 80 Million ZKS to Layer1 and Layer2 ZKS Holders


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