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Finding an appropriate balance in the use of the different technological applications in our lives / Personal reflection


Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, especially to the members of the @project-Hope community, we continue observing our surroundings with the firm intention of analyzing any type of action linked to our existence, where we find, without a doubt, the notable influence of the different technological applications.

For some time now I have been able to highlight in a general way the influence in our lives of wonderful machines, tools or devices created by man thanks to the wonderful nexus between science-technology, as we have also pointed out that these technological instruments provide us with positive or negative characteristics towards our way of life, but this aspect, undoubtedly, of great dependence on our decisions.

This time my reader friends I wanted to share an article inspired by a wonderful comment I received in one of my publications by an excellent writer of very high quality content as is our friend @franyeligonzalez, and from her I have learned a lot in my stay in the family of the @project-hope community, at the end of this writing I will share the link to that comment.

Therefore, I can tell you in advance that the focus of this commentary was oriented to the remarkable changes that technological advances have generated in our lives, and I believe that each one of us are reliable witnesses of these changes, impacting both our way of living and of seeing our space-time that frames our existence in this vast and complex but splendid universe.

By continuing to interpret the words of our friend, she refers to one of the aspects or characteristics that generally permeates everything around us, that is, everything that has influence on us will have in one way or another a positive or negative side, either related to a fact naturally, but also artificial, and in the latter field we include technology.

We all know and we have been able to detect that in many occasions technological applications of any kind have generated a gap in our direct communication with all those who live with us, this has made us observe societies composed of increasingly cold and distant people, that is, without socializing directly with the rest of the people, I think we can observe this fact in a particular way within the same family nucleus, where, by distraction regarding the use of any technological tool we are moving away from direct physical and verbal sharing with our loved ones.

However, I can highlight the most important aspect, and with it, the most essential that I read in the comment previously mentioned by our friend @franyeligonzalez regarding the use of any type of technological generation, and that is that despite everything that these applications can give us both from a positive and not so positive view, everything will depend on ourselves, that is, in our hands will be the proper use of these technological tools.

It is true that in many occasions we let ourselves be trapped by the constant use of a certain technological tool, but I think that we must be with our minds very open, and with it, attentive to any type of addiction of ourselves as well as of any person around us, and especially in our homes, for example, on many occasions I have observed very young children spend all day glued to a cell phone, and they think that their world is in that electronic device, but they are not to blame, the important thing is to realize this inappropriate situation to correct it in time, as examples like the above there are many and at all ages.

To say goodbye I would like to thank our friend @franyeligonzalez for her positive suggestions to me and for her excellent contributions to our @project-hope community, and let's always keep in mind that all technological advances have been and will be necessary for our evolution, but, like everything, there must be a proper balance, both in the development of new techniques and in the use of such technological applications, this essential aspect of balance is constantly transmitted to us by our mother nature.

Until another opportunity my dear and valued readers.

Note: The cover image is created by me in Power Point.

Commentary basis for this article

Author: @franyeligonzalez.