The things we do to make life complicated for ourselves.

More than we even know ourselves, we have this regular character of complicating things for ourselves, the life that is supposed to be lived with every form of simplicity is often what we complicate and make difficult even more than we know, below are the list of things that we do to make life extremely difficult for ourselves.

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Stacking up items we do not need.

It is possible for us to have our closet filled with items that are not needed and the simple generous act of giving it away to the people who need them will go a long way to save us from keeping old items and even making other people who need it have access to it.

The habit of telling lies.

We are now very quick to tell lies all the time, we are quick to respond to situations through lies and this is an habit that makes life more complicated than we think, if everyone could simply tell the truth and refrain from telling lies, it will be more easy for us to live a better life that way.

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Being very scattered.

Some of us are unable to keep track of time every day because we cannot just get to keep our shit together, we often find our possessions scattered all around the place and we spend ten minutes every morning looking around for those items, but when we learn to create space for an item as simple as a key, we will find it as a stress free and time saving venture.

Always being busy.

Funny enough, there are people who get excessively busy just because they feel that will keep them away from the worries of life but the truth is that being busy will not feel the vacuum needed in your life, learn how to face realities and overcome challenges, get time to relax and come up with a better offer.

Always trying to fix others.

A lot of people are complicating their lives by trying to be the messiah to other people, leaving their own problems behind while the actual reality of life needs to be that we fix ourselves first and heal completely before even trying to heal another person.

Open your mind to change.

Some of us are so used to doing things our own way, we get our minds focused on our own method of doing things and we never want to take correction from others, that is one attitude that is capable of keeping a person stagnant for life .

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