The year 2020 was really a disturbing year for a good number of people, lots of jobs were lost, a lot of businesses were locked down never to revive and a lot of people really needed to sacrifice their standards of living. This great pandemic hit the earth and the fear of uncertainty befell everyone, no one could boost of a life, death or what could happen after some hours.

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While this disastrous pandemic wrecked a serious havoc and individual’s finance and the finance of the nation also, it also came with a very vital lesson that we all cannot forget in a hurry. The pandemic made us realize that it was a very wrong decision to depend on only our means of passive income for survival and the reason is because just like the pandemic came suddenly, a lot of other problems could also arise suddenly and then become a serious itch to our usual financial standard.

Truth is, a lot of people who appears to be living comfortably currently only need a little problem with their jobs before they go down to living like an average pauper. By now, most of us understand what the difference between a passive and active income is but just for the sake of mentioning, I will be talking about it in this post.

Active income is when you need to be physically involved in the business for it to get you any returns at all, but with a passive income you do not always have to be physically present, you just need to let your money do the work for you and your presence might be required for some quick documentation.

Active income is very important as much as passive income is, train yourself to have more than one active source of income, when you learn to acquire new skills all the time you make yourself available for opportunities. People are usually just keen to the things that they believe in and with a proper method of improving yourself, you make yourself more available for better opportunities that may emerge.

As you are trying to improve your skill, never forget to monetize your skills. The goal is to have some extra source of income and you just need to learn to make yourself visible and available for those who need the skill you are offering while you take payment as a means of exchange for the service rendered.

The lockdown has shown us how important the power of the internet and technology is and you can get yourself an online presence that does not require your full attention but still make your money on a steady basis.

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