Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using public domain images.

Greetings to all those members of this prestigious chain of blocks especially to the members of the community @project.hope. Continuing with the series of publications associated with energy applied from the technological processes, in this one we will approach the referring thing to the nuclear energy and its possible affections with the environment and the climatic change.

Conceptually, nuclear energy is understood as a set of reactions at the atomic level, which allows to produce useful energy that can be implemented to generate electrical, thermal or mechanical energy, all in correspondence with the utility we give to it.

This type of energy presents two variants that refer to the process of fission and nuclear fusion respectively. With respect to the first one, it is based on a division of the nuclei generating smaller nuclei, as well as particles free of photons, positron electrons among others, a process that when produced in the form of cascades or consecutive replicas generates a great amount of energy that can be transformed into electricity.

Image 2. Representation of the process of energy generation through nuclear fusion. Image of public domain. Author: Someone (2011).

With respect to the second one, it is based on the union of the nuclei with the purpose of generating a larger nucleus, at this moment an enormous amount of energy is absorbed and released which produces a plasmatic state in the participating matter.

Although both processes are associated with the arms industry and especially with the generation of bombs, at present, due to the demands of electric energy, efforts are being joined to produce and solve the demands of society from nuclear generation. That is why specialized reactors have been developed for this purpose.

Image 3. Representation of a nuclear reactor. Image of public domain. Author: Cosmic Level en Pixabay.

Therefore, they are great advances that allow the implementation of this technology in a consensual way and without damage to our planetary system, applied to supply electrical service to large cities. The advantages of this process is that it allows us to leave aside the unsustainable patterns of energy generation through the burning of fossil fuels, which contributes annually alarming figures of emissions of pollutants to our air, which affects the stability of the biotic systems of our planet.

Image 4. Unsustainable patterns of energy production. Image of public domain. Author: Chris LeBoutillier en Pixabay.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), by 2018, nuclear energy will produce 10% of the world's energy, figures that will mitigate carbon dioxide emissions into the air by 33 gigatons by 2019, according to figures released by the same agency. Without a doubt, the mass production of electrical energy through nuclear reactions is seen as the most viable option to stabilize the ravages of polluting gases and to move towards sustainable patterns in terms of energy.

If we make a retrospective analysis throughout history in terms of energy production, we realize that all types of energy used so far at some point produces air pollution, except renewable energy and nuclear energy.

Therefore, advances in technology and especially in science have marked the path towards patterns that emerge as alternatives to mitigate the adverse environmental effects that man has caused over the years.

Dear reader, I would like you to share with us, in the comments section, your perspective on the use of nuclear energy as a source of electric power production.


[1] Silva Nelson. Nuclear energy: advantages and dangers. University of the Andes. Venezuela Article: Online Access

[2] Bujan Silvana. (1998). NUCLEAR ENERGY A history of deception, concealment and abandonment. BIOS Argentina. IGJ 16106 Article: Online Access


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

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