Sense Chat 2.0

Flying somewhat under the radar appears to be a character trait of Sense.Chat. It's a platform for speedy communication that enables users to leverage crypto. Developers seem to have a really good handle on what the crypto community needs.

Sense Chat 2.0


Launching an EOS-based Messaging Platform

It's been a little over ... since Sense Chat tweeted that Android invites have begun. EOS Hot Sauce also reported ...on Sense Chat 2.0.

The EOSIO Community posted an interview with Crystal Rose Pierce on June 27, 2019 in which she was quoted:

“In a nutshell, Sense.Chat is the EOS Messenger.”

A little over a year later, it's become even much more than that.

Not Like Twitter at All

To get an idea of it's potential brilliance, consider what Zac Harding tweeted about as being one of his favorite things:


In a world where fake news no longer makes surprising headlines, it's not enough to just make sense. Our news worthy stories and important information needs to lock-in on what content providers wish to communicate.

Intention of Content Matters

Maybe one harbors a strong opinion in the moment. If it's in honesty and backed by deliberate thought, then it's something that should be locked-in. If for some reason there's a change in mind, then, the motivation(s) behind altering a course already set in motion would need to be strong.

I'd also like to note that using social media for creativity is fine in itself. What's important is that we grasp the type of platform, or channel, upon which our expressions will live.

Departing Thought

I like using the example of newspapers I delivered on my bike during the '80s. Especially in the Sunday paper, sections were of an inescapable content tone. Modern headlines sometimes blur these lines, even venturing on the comical.

* A link to my original publication on Voice. *

feel free to visit the launch post for dialingUP


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