What's the end game for Hodling?

what is the end game for Hodling?



Wanted to title this article “what is your reason for hodling” but I had to narrow it down to the current topic because we hold a coin for a lot of reason. For example, I hold a coin due to the future reward I hope to get from that coin. Other people reason may differ has some people just hold a coin to avoid their liquid cash from devaluing. While some hold a coin as an investment and the dividends it pays will be used for self-sustainment.

Well just in case all I am saying sounds strange, let me mention some coins to illustrate a clear picture. Let us say I hold bitcoin or Ethereum, I am holding this coin for the value it might grow into in the future. A coin like this has no reward for hodling them either than to hope it increases in the future.

They are other coins such as stable coin held to protect one’s position or money. Stable coins are mostly equivalent to 1 dollar. Examples include Binance stable coin (BUSD) and USDT. Regardless of inflation or devaluation, stable coins make one coin stabilized.



With the introduction of defi into the blockchain, people now held coin due to the dividends earned from just holding. This is different from hodling for profit as a dividend is a return gotten from an investment. An example of such coins is HIVE, CAKE, RUNE and LBI and LEO. This kind of tokens is more rewarding than most coins and offers more use cases than most coins.

Now that we have established reasons why a coin will be held, let us talk about what the end game for holding a coin will be. Well, this is an easy question with a straightforward answer. We hold coins for us to sell later. At the end of all Coin held, it is sold for fiat money which will then be used to treat pressing and urgent needs in the real-world situation.



Well, I do not know much about the crypto space as I am just three years into crypto, but I will be pleased to learn from you guys, what do you think the end game of hodling a coin is. Feel free to educate me in the comment section.

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