Short Term & Long Term


When we are only focused on Short-Term gains, we have to play according to the market. We have to make decisions according to the market.

If today, hive price moves up exponentially, we will start posting more to earn more rewards and if the price goes south, we will shift our attention to something else.
It means the market is driving us. Our actions are inclined towards short-term profits.

Are we independent?

There will be constant anxiety about the prices that would affect the concentration level of the individual.

If we are working on a Long Term vision, the price fluctuations will not distract us much, the time would not be wasted on worrying about it much.

Consider you are on a road journey,

First Case: Frequent Overtakes, Speeding
-- Not able to enjoy the scenery
-- More Fatigue
-- Less mileage
-- More wear & tear
-- More likely to get a ticket
-- Reach a bit earlier

Second Case: Going at a constant speed:
-- Enjoy the scenery
-- Less Fatigue
-- More Mileage
-- Less wear & tear
-- Less likely to get a ticket
-- Reach on Time

The same applies to short-term gains, it looks like we are gaining much but in its entirety, it is another way around. Though living at both extremes may not be a good option. Everything has its pros and cons, it depends on us what matters to us the most.

But, are we mindful of the activities that we are practising on a daily basis?


Which all activities are Short Term and which all are for Long Term?


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