Financial problems from centuries ago are still present today

"Buy only what is necessary, not what is convenient. The unnecessary, even if it costs a single penny, is expensive." Séneca

Hello everyone, I want to share with you something that will surely call your attention, related to the phrase I bring to share, and it is not only the phrase, which in itself carries a message as simple as it is forceful, but your car and what I can deduce from the time you lived.

For those who know who Seneca was, I tell you that he was a Roman philosopher who lived between 2 BC and 65 AD, yes, more than two thousand years ago I enunciate that phase which is currently very valid... but what makes this call my attention? (I don't know if you too).

More than two millennia ago this phrase of this intelligent man allows us to see that many of the personal economic problems that hurt today, also at that time was a reality that hit the economy of families.


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Many people (the majority) tend to fall into a cycle where they do not understand -apparently- what is happening with their money, why is it yielding less and less to them?

So they look for external reasons, and yes, it is true that the conditions of a country directly affect our financial reality, even the world conditions often directly or indirectly affect the economy of each of us, but beyond this, the main reason why the finances of most people do not improve are related to their consumption habits.

It is normal to see people without any money after collecting their respective salaries, usually praying that the next payday will come quickly so that they can solve some urgent matters, however, much of their money goes into things that are not really necessary.

I know you know people like that who seem to live for others, for what others think, usually this goes hand in hand with a lack of planning, an absence of logical goals. I say "logical goals " because I often hear some say that they would like to be as rich as Donald Trump or Jeff bezos, yet they do nothing for that.

As long as someone only thinks about spending as much or as little as they earn, they will never be able to achieve financial success at all, and will live permanently in a species of ruin.

In the end all this depends on us, centuries, decades go by, and although there are more ways to make money today, much more information at the hand of anyone, largely thanks to the Internet, curiously there are more poor people in the world, and that is that beyond the tools that exist, the important thing is to select one that fits our reality, learn it, know it, develop it and take advantage of it.

Prior to this we must have a respective plan, a goal to pursue, hand in hand with this to determine what the real needs are and spend only on that, as necessary, because if we only give ourselves the pleasure of wanting to satisfy our desires without evaluating whether that is necessary or not, we will be permanently throwing away the possibility of achieving success in so many ways that we will later evaluate, if we stop at that and turn around that there is no turning back, and that we are repeating the same mistakes of our ancestors.

There is a popular saying: Man is the only animal that stumbles twice over the same stone. Do you think you can live up to that saying?

I'd like to know what you think about what I've raised in this post.

Have a great weekend.


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