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Self-realization: How to achieve?


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The high demands of the work, professional and personal environment to which the human being exposes every day, cause high expectations that force him to make superior efforts, in the search for self-realization and success.

However, many people spend years doing endless activities to achieve this, but they do not manage to feel satisfied with the results obtained.
This publication aims to answer the question:

How can you achieve self-realization?

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Self-realization and Theories of Psychology

The human being is always in search of the recognition of his environment and motivation is one of the main sources to achieve it, through the journey in search of self-realization.
In this sense, psychology contemplates various theories of motivation, where self-realization linked to achievement, success and personal recognition are considered.
Theories such as: Maslow's Pyramid, McClelland's three factors and Herzberg's dual factor theory, represent an excellent guide for identifying the logical priorities and needs of human beings linked to their environment.
It is important to emphasize that self-realization is considered one of the highest hierarchical needs of the human being, which seeks to satisfy once the other needs of a lower hierarchical level have been covered.
However, self-realization is considered a need that provides the individual with a feeling of well-being, characterized by being the most subjective and particular of each person.
This provides a high degree of difficulty to fully achieve it, representing a real challenge today, due to the high competition in the labor and professional market.

Maslow's Pyramid. Source

Self-realization: How to achieve it?

This question probably must have crossed your mind sometime in your life, since experts have written various articles about it, but the key is each person, due to the subjective nature that characterizes them.
However, a guide can be achieved by applying Maslow's Pyramid theory, which has been recognized and applied worldwide, whose premise is based on first meeting the needs that are classified by lower hierarchical levels until reaching the last level (Self-realization).
According to Maslow, the first four levels of the pyramid consider the so-called deficit needs, such as: physiological, safety and protection, social and esteem or recognition.

The needs according to Maslow's Pyramid are detailed below, presented according to the different hierarchical levels:

  1. Physiological or basic needs are a priority and represent the beginning of the path to move to the next levels of hierarchy of needs, such as: breathing, drinking, sleeping, eliminating waste, avoiding pain, among others.
  2. The second level is representing the needs of security and protection, they are vital to live but are not considered basic like the previous ones, among which we can mention: employment, income, morals, family, health, housing, among others.
  3. The third level is the social needs, of affection or affiliation, they are considered less basic but essential for the human being, because they are those that have to do with relationships and social acceptance,
  4. The fourth level are the needs for esteem or recognition, considered of great importance for people because if they can be satisfied they produce security and they feel valuable for the rest of the people. Otherwise, when these needs are not satisfied, they provoke feelings of inferiority.
    They are classified into: High esteem: the needs related to oneself such as, confidence, independence, mastery, achievement, freedom and competence
    Low esteem: the needs related to others, such as attention, appreciation, recognition, reputation, fame, dominance, power, among others.
  5. The fifth and last level is self-relationship, which is achieved once the other needs contemplated in the previous levels are covered, it is oriented to the spiritual, personal, professional, social, among others.

Importance of Self-realization.

Faced with the impossibility of achieving self-realization, many people are affected emotionally, falling into frustration, pessimism, anguish, stress, anxiety, among others.

Consequently, the physical and mental health of the person and their environment can be affected.
A person who feels self-realized is happy, has feelings of satisfaction, joy, generally enjoys excellent spirits and humor; All this is transmitted to his surroundings, generally achieving greater recognition and respect.

In conclusion, the self-realization of each person will depend on the efforts directed in the correct way to satisfy their own needs of each person.



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Referential Sources


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