Recycling whilst Jogging


After realising that there are many discarded cans in my area, I had a brainstorm to combine it with some jogging.

I carried a plastic bag with me and began my standard 5km run.
I don't particularly like jogging but find it is beneficial, especially, as I don't have to wear a mask whilst jogging.

By the end of the jog, my plastic bag was overfull with cans.
Carrying the bag whilst jogging required some skill as the bag got plenty full. I had originally expected to maybe grab up to 4 cans. I think it ended up being around 15-20.

The next day, I ran a different path, leading to an almost full bag of cans.
At one point, I was stopping every 20 metres to squash and pick up some cans.


It makes the jogging more purposeful & keeps me focused on scanning the ground.


It is sort of like Pokemon Go! You explore your surroundings for wild creatures of the aluminium kind. People are happy to chase an imaginary creature around on their phone.

Why not clean up their area while collecting something real?

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