Why Curiosity Is Very Much Needed To Achieve Success In Your Business or Career? - Part 2

Hello guys, your favorite girl @gifxlove is back again with the Part 2 of this interesting series, Why Curiosity Is Very Much Needed To Achieve Success In Your Business or Career? The Part 1 was quite interesting, I will recommend you read through it before reading through this article for today, by clicking here. Just imagine if we had no curiosity, there would have been no smartphones, no cars, no airplanes, no technological breakthroughs and advancement what so ever. But I'm glad we have the curious mind, and as we made many technological breakthroughs and advancements, they are people who were gaining massive profits from these advancements and breakthroughs. There is usually much to be gained as businessman or career person who makes a breakthrough because of his/her level of curiosity. Without wasting any more time, let's jump into the topic of discussion for today. I will be giving you guys one reasons why curiosity is essential for success in this article, enjoy!!!


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Better Social Relationships

This is a very good reason why curiosity is very much needed to achieve success in your business or career. A curious person is a better conversationalist as he is interested in a person and want to know what the person likes and dislikes and other necessary information, that makes the other person feel some level of closeness and affection towards the curious person. A friend who doesn't care about your well-being, will you like such a friend? A curious person will create a lively environment, asking questions like, "how are your kids, so Jude is at high school and Juliet is at college, right? So what is she studying?" You read that statement right, if you are the person, someone is talking to, in such manner, won't feel as though the person cares about you and you start to open up to the person, and that's how you get a good friendship. But how does this social skill help a businessman or career person?


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If you could recall, I created a very interesting series a while back about Improving Your Networking Skills As A Businessman. If you missed it, I recommend you click here to read through, you will find it very interesting, informative and educative. So back to the topic of discussion, as a businessman or career person who wants to grow faster than normal, you need networks, networks are friends. Friends, you meet and try to mingle together(not sexually please 😄, naughty you). You are the person that selects these friends because they are not basically friends, they are networks. That's the ugly truth about adulthood, we don't make friends again, we make networks, people who might be of benefit to you in some way or the other. That's just the nature of things. Now, you have to be a true and caring friend to your networks if you ever want them to be important and relevant networks. You have to care about them truly from the bottom of your heart. And that's where curiosity gives you an edge over other people. For instance, a curious person who has so many networks, will call or message each and everyone of them and asked them, how their Valentine's day went and they will create an emotional bond, hence, they will always have you in their mind and whenever something comes which may benefit you, they connect you with it. What makes curiosity better, is that, you are not just calling them because they are your networks, you are curious about how well their Valentine's Day went and that's genuine feelings which is the best. Achieve success in your business or career by been curious.


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash

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It Still Remains Your Favorite Girl, @gifxlove

Bye For Now

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