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Why Are you Always Tired And Sleepy? - Part 2

Hello guys, your favorite girl @gifxlove is back again with the Part 2 of this interesting series, Why Are you Always Tired And Sleepy?. The Part 1 was quite interesting, I will recommend you read through it before reading through this article for today, by clicking here. Feeling tired and sleepy all the time is a very annoying feeling. Your productivity and creativity will be greatly reduced and you won't know what is really the issue with you. It is very frustrating, because you are willing to complete a task but your body and brain ain't willing. Your body is trying to send you a message, that you are doing something wrong and that you should stop it and start doing the right stuff in order to have good health. If you don't want to protect your health, your body sometimes try it's best to draw your attention to your health. So what is your body trying to tell you when you are always feeling tired and sleepy? Don't worry, in this article I will be giving you guys one reason why you are always tired and feeling sleepy, enjoy!!!

Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash

Not Enough Sleep Time

This should be quite obvious but most people don't actually know the recommended hours we are supposed to be sleeping everyday or some people(like me) know the recommended hours but because of their busy schedule are unable to comply with it. It is recommended that we sleep between 7 - 9 hours everyday. In this busy and ever tasking world we are living in today, 7 - 9 hours sleep time might be hard to achieve, hence, the reason for your tiredness and sleepiness. I, myself, I'm trying to be able to see how I can be able to have that 7 - 9 hours sleep everyday. It is not easy, because we want to make some good money and live the life we desire and that means we need to work extra hard to earn that desired life, but at the cost of our health? I have been thinking same thing. As most of you may already know, I leave my house for work at 6:45am, meaning I normally wake up already 5:30am. I close 5pm and get home around 8pm. No much time for fun activities and I have to try and have 7 - 9 hours sleep daily to live a health life. It is not easy, but I have sacrificed some of my fun activities I do at night to try and get 7 hours sleep. And I can tell you, I don't normally feel that tired and sleepy all the time again. I feel more active and productive. Having a good amount of sleep is quite good for our health. Although, there are days where I don't comply with such rules, like today, where I'm writing this article, when I supposed to be sleeping. But knowledge is power, I know the reason for the tiredness and sleepiness, and whenever I start feeling that way, I will cut back on my night activities for 2 weeks. Maybe with time, when I'm financially more independent, I will be able to comply with 7 - 9 hours sleep time everyday. So, whenever you are feeling some kind of tiredness and sleepiness all day long, try to cut back on your night activities and sleep adequately for at least 10 days or maybe make it a habit to sleep 7 - 9 hours all the time.

Photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash

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It Still Remains Your Favorite Girl, @gifxlove

Bye For Now

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