Achieving Your 2021 Goals As An Entrepreneur - Part 2

Hello guys, your favorite girl @gifxlove is back again with Part 2 of this amazing topic, Achieving Your 2021 Goals As An Entrepreneur. The Part 1 was amazing, if you have not read the Part 1, I would advice you to read it before reading this article, by clicking here. Without wasting any more time, let's jump into the topic of discussion for today. I will be giving you guys two more ways you can be able to achieve your 2021 goals in this article, enjoy!!!


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Become One With Your Goal

This seem like an easy stuff but it isn't and if you are able to master it, you will achieve your goal in no long time. By becoming one with your goal, I mean, your goal should be life. Everything you do, should be geared towards you goal. How you sleep, when you eat, when you go out, I mean literally everything should be geared towards your goal. Your goal becomes your life, because you live everyday trying to get closer to your goal. This will help you to keep pushing towards your goal. By doing this, you have literally given yourself no slack because you are consistently been reminded of your goal. Let's imagine you as a 13 years old kid, who wants to become a footballer. Everything of your life should be towards achieving that single goal. You need to wake up early for morning practice, you need to eat right, in the afternoon, you keep practicing by yourself, take a nap, then go for evening session, eat right, sleep early so your body heals itself. As you can see from the above example, his/her life is geared towards becoming a footballer, and if he/she is consistent with this routine, he/she will definitely become a footballer, because he/she is already prepared to cease any opportunity that comes his/her way.

If you want to achieve your goal, you should make your goal your life, your everything and with consistency and determination you will surely achieve your desired attainable goal.


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Be Ready To Pay The Price

Are you ready to pay the price in order to achieve your attainable goal? Are you ready to go through sleepless nights or be on diet or read books and so on? Are you ready? Because in life, nothing is free, nothing goes for nothing, there's always a pain before the gain. There's no thing like a free lunch or dinner, because someone somewhere is covering the cost of for the meal. You need to put these things in your head and mind because if you want to achieve your 2021 goal, you have to sacrifice a lot of your temporary pleasures for your long term pleasures. The funny thing about life is that, what you sacrifice now, you get abundance of it in the future. It is the funny truth but we just can't let go of temporary pleasures. For instance, an 18 years old, instead of facing his studies or building a career for himself, he is chasing after girls. Whereas his friend denied himself of girls in order to be focused to achieve his goal. When both friends are 27 years of age, the friend who made the sacrifice is rich and wealthy and the girls are chasing him. Whereas the other guy who chose temporary pleasures, is broke and still leaving with his parents. The rich dude made the sacrifice of not chasing after girls, when he was much younger, in order to focus on achieving his goals. He achieved it, and the sexy ladies are chasing him now because he is rich and wealthy. We girls always like the rich and wealthy guys, so guys make those sacrifice now and have a bright future. I know some of you would be asking, don't I have a goal as a lady, I do but after achieving my goal I won't then start dating a broke guy. I have made my sacrifice to be where I want to be, and if you guys want the sexy, beautiful and classy girls like us, you better be rich. So make that sacrifice and now and achieve your desired attainable goal. Keep in mind that your sacrificed temporary pleasures will be in abundance in the future.


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

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It Still Remains Your Favorite Girl, @gifxlove

Bye For Now

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