We are Heroes, Venezuela chapter (Experiences)

Hello dear readers!

This publication is dedicated to all my compatriots who make life in Project HOPE and in this Blockchain and still live in Venezuela, motivated by the most recent events that occurred in our beloved Venezuela.



Without ignoring the winds that blow around the crypto market, understanding that BTC seems to be embarking on an upward trend, or the surprising escalation of HIVE in the market coupled with the announcement of its inclusion in various exchanges.

Reasons and experiences.

The reasons for this publication are based on the different situations that a common Venezuelan must face in his day to day; It is difficult to find a nation in the world that is going through a situation that resembles what the Venezuelan lives daily, except in cases where the virus has hit hardest, however, I think it is difficult to overcome our experiences.

We face a great shortage of food, medicine, spare parts etc. For several years, a hyperinflation where the price of basic necessities far exceed the Venezuelan's salary.

To all this is added the arrival of the coronavirus, although fortunately it has not hit our country so hard so far, the quarantine has taken most of the Venezuelans out of the workplace who have to fight now with much more hunger and see how they double. food prices, further reducing their access to food.

All this resulted in riots and looting in different parts of the country as a result of the rise in the dollar and as a consequence the excessive increase in food, it is a constant struggle that has been going on for years and those who face this situation every day in our country I think they deserve to be called HEROES.

No one can resist so much and continue to believe that there is still hope.

Personal experiences.

I am sure that every Venezuelan has a history, an experience that is related to what I describe here, I also know that they have a better way of presenting the facts, but that's how I lived it.

Last week we witnessed once again an unprecedented event in other countries, I think this only happens in our economy (correct me if I'm wrong) we saw how the dollar went from costing 100,000 Bs (VES) X $ 1 to 200,000 Bs ( VES) X 1 $.

That's how I lived it, at home we have a six-month-old baby, the milk that we are giving him for his food cost before the devaluation 180,000 Bs (VES), the package of 400 grams, then it happened to cost 420,000 Bs (VES) doubling its cost in a matter of hours.

As if this were not enough, a failure in the electrical system left part of the southern state of Monagas without electricity for three days, which kept me completely incommunicado from Sunday to Wednesday.

Now, wages remain the same, $ 1.5 a month a Venezuelan earns as a minimum wage, in the last hours the government announced an increase in the minimum wage that will take effect on May 1, this increase will bring the wage of approximately $ 1.5 at approximately $ 2.1.

And to give you an idea, the milk our Baby consumes costs approximately $ 2, and lasts for approximately 6 days, that is, they are between $ 8 and $ 10 a month. Hahaha totally crazy.




It is very difficult to survive anywhere in the world with a salary of $ 2 per month, much more difficult in a Venezuela with a hyperinflationary economy.

Friends you are HEROES, people worthy of admiration, you deserve all my respect and this tribute, keep fighting, one day we will get up.

Note: Many of us receive the opportunity to access cryptocurrencies and be part of these two chains today that have become a great blessing.

Thanks STEEM, Thanks HIVE

In honor of Venezuelans who are still in Venezuela.

@lanzjoseg, @juanmolina, @jadams2k18, @pedrobrito2004, @reinaldoverdu, @sacra97, @franyeligonzalez, @marybellrg, @maleidamarcano, @slwzl, @belkisa758, @blanca56, @yeceniacarolina, @beatriche, @nestorgarcia, @antonirhuiz, @mafalda2018, @carolinacardoza, @zhanavic69, @felixgarciap, @yurilaya, @futven12

If you do not appear in the list it is not because I do not consider you a HERO, please leave your name in the comments section, this is also for you.

Share your anecdote with us. How were you surprised by the latest increases? How did you experience it?

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