Beneficiary Rewards Connecting People !


All the pictures on this post are from Free for commercial use. No attribution required !

Sometimes you have to prove your loyalty to the community. Because there will be always people trying to ruin your reputation. They can find any argument to make you look bad. Some can even relate your name to that. Your look, the way of writing, the way you talk, your accent and they can find a bad thing in anything you do, even if that's good and not harming anyone ! That's why there is the saying that the haters gonna hate. No matter what you do.


In this case if you are sure that you are doing a good thing, you just have to keep doing it no matter what, unless you are sure that's a bad thing and only if you have solid arguments. Because there are some people that can even make you think your're doing bad and you may believe them. Be very careful !


Now I want to give you all a grait idea since we had a big discussion in the community about beneficiary rewards. We mostly say that we support each other in the community. So, I hope you all will apply this idea because it's really great and it shows how we are all working together. It shows how we are all connected and how we know each other. I would say ''beneficiary rewards connecting people''. Not Nokia of course. ☺

That's how I will call this habbit : ''BRCP'' !


So, the rule of BRCP is to share your rewards with anyone you like. You can set a % for the main account of the community to support it. You can share other amounts for a few other people. As you wish. But, mostly this idea is to support each other. To find those people you like to reward them from each post you write. To choose people need support in your opinion. To choose leaders of the community and in the end of the post, you may tag those people and even tell why you decided to reward them. That will create awareness and will help to promote each other.


For example I decided to share 30% of my earnings from this post to 3 accounts :

  1. @alokkumar121 because I want to support this guy. He was very active in my community @dcooperation that didn't go well. He was one a few people who always supported my iniciatives. He's also very active in PH community and in all the blockchain. He's always promoting the blockchain everywhere. He's a great content creator and he for sure deserve any support from the community. Thanks a lot for being you @alokkumar121. 10% of this post is yours !

  2. @chesatochi this guy is very polite. I also know him for a long time. I'm following him more than 2 years maybe. I like that his content is everywhere. You may find him in a lot of decentrazlied platforms and he's just in love in crypto. You may learn from him really a lot of things. I like such active creators you deserve to be rewarded ! 10% of this post will go to his pocket. ☺

  3. And I'm also ok to share 10% from this post to @ph-fund . They seems doing a good work by sharing the rewards to poor people from Venezuela. And it's impossible to fake that because they tag those people and I see them all active and everything should be seen on the blockchain. I mean that I don't trust funds in real life and I never donate there because I can't see where the money is really going. But, here in the blockchain everything is clear and transparent !


This is what I wanted to share in this post and in the other post, I will share to other people and accounts. I think I have the right to share my money with anyone I like. No one can use money the way he/she likes ! That's logical and banal !

sharing-svgrepo-com (1).jpg

Please support this idea. Share this post on your blog. Let people know that we really have a great hope and opportunity to change this world for the better !

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