Distance education.

The sudden closure of schools, high schools and universities in France, caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, has resulted in an unprecedented use of distance education.

We can hurry to learn to use new tools to continue doing as before but otherwise or we can take the time to question the purpose of education, the content of the programs, the meaning of life ...

I can tell you: use Khan Academy, Wikipedia, Moodle and Steem and everything will be fine. You will be able to work on your Bac or BTS and life will restart as before as soon as the epidemic stops.

The role of the educator and to get out of the emergency decreed and think a little further.

The role of education:

Many books have been written on the subject and I will cite the 119 letters of the association authentic education on this subject:

The tools of distance education

  • Wikiversity is a university created by Internet users for everyone, using the functionality of a wiki, much like Wikipedia. Hosted by the wikimedia foundation, this free university already includes thousands of courses in many languages ​​and is just waiting to be improved. I hope that all teachers of National Education and Family and Rural Homes will take advantage of this period of work at home to publish their course on Wikiversity.

  • Khan Academy is an award-winning free online academy, containing many free courses in different fields. To try without moderation. At the college and high school level, first written in English but now available in French, Khan Academy is a valuable tool.

  • Youtube is the well-known video library containing thousands of tutorials and lessons on just about any subject.

  • Moodle is an open-source platform dedicated to uploading courses and exercises. In case your lessons do not already exist somewhere, better, you can use Moodle to put your courses online or participate in one of the many online universities offering courses in Moodle.

  • G suite for education brings together a set of tools developed by our favorite giant. Can education be entrusted to a private company?

Funding for distance education

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance" Robert Orben.
The financing of education is completely revolutionized by the possibilities offered by blockchain and digital tools.

The Blockchain Revolution

As of today, you can earn an unconditional minimum income by registering on the Mannabase site, and earn money while studying.

To get started on cryptocurrencies, you can read this presentation or “the relative currency theory ” By Stéphane Laborde.

You can also earn money by asking questions about this article, as long as you register on Steempeak or install the esteem app on your mobile.
A new world opens up before us.

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