Hive Blockchain is launching this Friday

I'm very excited today to see the announcement about Hive Blockchain. They have finalized the domain name, logo, branding and everything is all set and ready for the launch. I guess we can start packing our bags to get onboarded on Hive Blockchain. Though I have so many questions in mind like others do, I'm equally excited about this new opportunity. Nobody knows what what will be the future but one thing is for sure that we write the future and if we plan it well, we can create a good future.



While this all started some people including me had a thought that anything that emerges or forks out of the parent have never been able to surpass the parent. If Hive is going to fork out of Steem the same can happen. I also had this confusion in my mind. Then later when I thought that it is the whole community moving to a new and better place because the old one is currently being occupied by new people, I guess this project should be of good success.

I also personally trust the closed group and 30 people and the developers out there. They are hard workers who have already proved their skills and capabilities in many community projects. I trust that they will make this place a better one. One good thing that I'm most excited about is the fact that we need not be dependent on Steemit to support in any aspect and push the code or make changes to the UI.

It is so horrible that we did not see any visually appealing development happening in the last 4 years. I believe this new chain will bring more opportunities and will have better ways to handle plagiarism, spamming and try to keep the ecosystem clean. There are still lots of questions and grey areas here and there. There are few things that I would like to see in the future.

  • More exchange listing for HIVE
  • Gradually more value for the Hive token.
  • POS and DPOS handled in a better way than it being a criteria to take control here.
  • Definitely a better condenser than the shit old steemit condenser.

I'm not a big fan of SMT to be honest. I personally feel that SMT would further drain the value of the master currency of the chain. I believe that's what happened when Steem-engine was introduced. None of the tokens in Steem engine are in the same place or better price than how it was during the launch. Well that's a separate topic all together.

We sill don't see any clear picture from some of the DApp owners and business owners here about their stands on this. Some people say they are going to wait and watch and some have openly declared that they will be moving their operations to the new chain. Hope this doesn't create any confusions and drop existing value of our holdings even further.

On a final note, I would like to support this move and I'm sure we will soon come out of all the confusions and things will soon be clear as we experiment it out. As a developer in this chain I would be interested to continue my journey here contributing to the community in the way I can.

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