Humanity in crisis: power struggle


It is impressive how in recent years, we have lived in a constant global problem, where the great economic, political and social powers have been involved in a constant struggle, because simply not stop the ambition of those who have the pinnacle of society, much less settle for everything they have achieved, it is there that we all wonder if the power will never have a maximum reach? Where those who exercise it feel that they have reached the limit or we will always be in the middle of a media war, for the privileged places of this world.

The human being is the only species, which is maintained by its own good, since in this way its soul is fed and sees how the feelings of superiority over all grow; we are lost in time and we can not do much to get out of this.

Our look has been lost in the space of existence, surely the moment will come, where we will regret many things we let happen and it will be too late for that, what we do have in our hands, is to change the mentality of the coming generations, because each of them are destined to repeat history and it is our duty to change the course of their lives and leave as a footprint to an improved society.

At some point in our lives, we have wondered what life would be like without a defined power? Many have spoken of it as anarchy, others as a backwardness for humanity, since they anchor evolution in this, but personally I believe that it is impossible to be worse off than we are, that is, if we were in a world without a defined power, we would be observing and discussing other issues that perhaps would save us many of the problems we live today.


Let us stop fighting for our own good and let us begin to elevate the common good, where love abounds and generosity is the letter of introduction of all, the only thing we deserve is to be happy and have peace in every sense of our life, but it is impossible to want to control everything around us; it is easy to show our true intentions, but the difficult thing is to maintain a correct position, where the murky does not take our mind and we are entrenched in the idea of preserving life.

It is sad to think that humanity has little time left on the face of the earth, but it is a reality that we have built for many centuries and for something that we have been prepared for many years ago; let us remember the past so as not to repeat it, let us enjoy the present and resist its daily blows, but let us work for a future free of a power struggle, that ends with everything we love.

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