Action and Reaction: Concepts that Build Worlds


The great visionaries throughout history have reached the same opinion and it is about how difficult it is to achieve all the goals that at some point in their lives and it is impressive how many of them have had to change the route of their dream, it is clear that they even had to change the objective.

Sometimes it seems easy to say that we must change the way of doing things, but not the goals, when you are immersed in the path, is that you can begin to doubt your abilities and that is when the thoughts that unbalance your mind come.

It is inevitable not to enter into a state of passivity, since the human being is programmed to react in a submissive way to any problem, after a certain time is that there may come a reaction or response to the discomfort that you are going through.


The human brain has reactions that really confess what the subject is feeling and it is inside our head that really develops what we feel, I guarantee that if we could project our thoughts at all times, it would be a different scenario that we would experience around us.

We all show what we want others to see, but it is a different world that we live inside, simply many of us have things repressed, for which we reproach ourselves at all times, but despite this there is always a voice in our head, telling us that the world is ours and we must go for it.

It seems incredible how beings as young and small as human beings are, have the capacity to create great things inside an infinite and imaginary world, and then flashes of these creations will come out to the real world.

We know that every action has a reaction, but it is also true that this reaction will depend on what we really want to be as thinking subjects; it is impressive the strength we achieve from a lot of uncertainty, often looking at what will really impact our surroundings.


We renounce in many occasions to what really matters to us, to start doing what we think is right for everyone. The human being is complacent since its creation, we always think about what will happen after an action of ours and whoever says otherwise is lying, because this has been studied many times by experts in psychology, to know the real behavior of each person.

Nothing will stop the functioning of the human mind, we are simply a physical and mental algorithm that fulfills natural laws of reasoning, where the ability to believe and create increases with the passage of time. We will always decide our limits, making us see that our abilities are infinite and everything we desire will come true; as long as we are in a correct opinion with all those who make up our environment.

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