7 reasons to outsource the marketing of an SME

Dear Hivers

Outsourcing is an increasingly common practice among small and medium-sized businesses. What is it about ? Quite simply to entrust part of the company's activities to an external service provider. The functions most often outsourced are accounting, salary and recruitment management, logistics, IT and also recently marketing.


If many companies are still reluctant to outsource their marketing, it is because they believe - and rightly so - that it is a key function to ensure the success and development of their business. All too often, however, they end up neglecting or limiting this essential function, due to a lack of time, resources or skills.

Here are 7 reasons that should encourage SMEs and VSEs to outsource their marketing:

  1. Focus on your core business
    Using an external service provider gives you the opportunity to focus on your core business, on what you do best. A marketing specialist takes over and takes care of the tactical and technical aspects of your marketing plan for you. You set the strategy and stay in control of course, but you delegate execution with confidence. Please note, to bear fruit, this collaboration should preferably be long-term, like any marketing action. Produced by experts, this solution goes beyond a simple subcontracting contract.

  2. Save time
    The time you should be spending analyzing your industry, your competitors and your customers' expectations or keeping up with changing technologies, tools and media is seldom available.
    On the other hand, any marketing expert worthy of the name must stay alert, follow new trends and know the new tools in order to be able to best advise his clients. In addition, it surrounds itself with a network of proven experts, which saves you time and training costs .

  3. Source of innovation
    Outsourcing your marketing also forces you to think strategically and think “out of the box”. Because the external service provider, rich in its past experiences and its varied missions, takes a fresh look at your activity . It introduces new ideas and offers alternatives to diversify your communication campaigns and revitalize contacts with your customers. He can also help you find new prospecting leads.

  4. Effective marketing
    The world of marketing is constantly changing. With the influence of digital and mobile, marketing is no longer limited to the creation of a logo, a leaflet or an advertisement. Sites, blogs, e-mailing, newsletters, social media, POS, events, public relations and networking are all facets of the marketing mix that must be coordinated to increase your visibility and develop your business. However, only mastery of the channels and techniques as well as the analysis of the results will guarantee the effectiveness of these actions. Performance cannot be improvised.

  5. The "pro" quality
    A marketing specialist therefore brings you experience and competence as well as a 360 ° vision. It supports your thinking and relieves your teams by taking charge, within your own company, of all marketing-related tasks: commercial documentation, website, advertising visuals, customer communications, press relations, direct marketing, etc. By participating in the life of your company, he immerses himself in its culture and becomes a true ambassador of your brand. Its special position, both internal and external to the company, ensures you a maximum return on investment. It is therefore a strategic alternative to hiring where the service provider adapts to the needs of companies.

  6. Cost reduction and flexibility
    Calling on a service provider is also and above all an opportunity to control costs and gain flexibility. This can represent a savings of 50 to 70% compared to hiring an internal marketing manager. You will gain in competence and productivity as soon as the adaptation and training time is almost zero. And you will gain in flexibility since you will agree on a duration and an hourly volume, according to your needs and your budget. Economy, productivity and flexibility, here is a 100% profitable solution.

  7. Develop the activity
    Finally, to be successful, outsourcing must be part of a participatory process. Because he is regularly present in the company and collaborates with other members of the personnel, the service provider becomes a partner and not a competitor of the teams in place. It even becomes an engine and a tremendous support for salespeople who can focus on the essentials: discovering prospects, retaining customers and increasing sales.

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