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Command: $mod

This is a command to aid in moderating a specific scot tribe by inspecting the post for other tribe tags. The intent is to find posts that may be off-topic or spam.

For example, say someone posts to Leo Finance by tagging #leofinance as well as tags for 15 other tribes. This seems spammy so it'll be listed by this command.


$mod <symbol> [tribe tags, default: 5] [payout, default: 1.0]


$mod leo

This will find unmoderated posts that have tagged over 5 tribes and have a pending payout of at least 1.00000 LEO.

$mod leo 4 0.5

This will find unmoderated posts that have tagged over 4 tribes and have a pending payout of at least 0.50000 LEO.


  1. Top 20 stakeholders are trusted. If a post receives any upvotes at any weight from the top 20 for that tribe, the post is considered moderated, and thus, not listed.
  2. Other tribe moderation is not a factor.
  3. A post that exceeds the specified number of other tribe tokens seems spammy.
  4. Non-tribe tags are not considered.
  5. Other tribes with multiple tags are included in the count, if used.
  6. A post that exceed the specified pending payout should be reviewed.
  7. A post that is below the specified pending payout is considered moderated, and thus, not listed.
  8. No downvotes are considered, only current pending payout. This allows flexibility for situations where a moderator brings the pending payout below the threshold, then later the pending payout rises, bringing the post back to an unmoderated state so that more moderators can take a look.

Here's an example of a tribe that does no moderation (back when this command was used on Steem):

From this, we can see that @honusurf is really spamming it up. But that's Lasse's problem. The results will always max out at 5 results due to scalability, so who knows how much there really is for him to moderate.

Also note that because lassecash has a pending period of 2 weeks, these queries take quite a while to run.

Another example:

A response of No matching posts means there's nothing to moderate, which is pretty much the goal. But you can always pick a different set of numbers or try spying on a different tribe symbol.

In this case, we dropped the pending payout threshold to 0.5 POINT to basically force it to show us a result, which is now considered unmoderated. In normal usage, we'd probably ignore a post under the default threshold.

The above is another way to force it to show a result. These posts have only added a few additional tribes. They're probably fine.

We can also spy on an abandoned tribe:

These are interesting because they represent a type of "honeypot" case that allows us to find authors who are really reaching.