My entry to let's make a collage round 103 | The alien attack

Hello hive creatives,
Alien invasion against human is a common feature and act in science fiction stories and films, in which extraterrestrials invade the Earth either to exterminate and supplant human life, enslave it under an intense state, harvest people for food, or to come serve them. In such movies, they would usually attack areas with low defense or plan during a period of time for their invasion by either forcefully dragging humans into their ship through magnetic field, use of ultra weapons or bacterial infections. One could wonder what the fate of human would be if these aliens truly existed or launched attack against humans. Would our weaponry be a match to them, would our tech beat them, how many lives would be lost, would Earth exist after such attacks.
This is my entry for the @lmac challenge. For the purpose of this challenge, I used the reference image to show an alien attack on earth. I hope you enjoy and like what you see.


I made use of these free images from Lil library and pixabay to achieve this.

Top left image was taken with my phone inside annex campus, UNIUYO


couple run

Philippine Hawk-Owl - Ninox philippensisby @digitalis


Grasshopperby @seckorama

Seeing the outcome of my entry post, I decided to do a little extra work for fun still on the reference image and the alien invasion theme.


I used the following free images from pixabay to achieve this


girl on horse



ship wreck
Thank you for stopping by to view my collages for the 103rd round of LMAC
Tgif ✨✨✨

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