This NOT Damnatio ad Bestias - LMAC Challenge Round 135

Hi everyone! When I finished creating this collage, my friend came and asked me "Why did you make a picture for the death penalty?". A question that really took me by surprise. To get rid of my curiosity about what he said I immediately "Googled" and it turns out that there is a death sentence that is the most terrible in the world, the prisoners are put in cages with hungry beasts in them. This punishment is known as Damnatio ad Bestias. He will die because the animal eats it. As for the punishment, it was illustrated by a French painter named Jean Leon Gerome who was shown the atmosphere before the execution in the 19th century. For my collage this is about a kingdom that is guarded by beasts who are loyal to the king and become an army during times of war. What's on your mind bout collage?
LMAC Challenge 135.png

Images / Photo resources that i used inside my collage:

Photos derived from LMAC Library / Gallery
Bird silhouettes contributed by @mballesteros
Eagle In Flight contributed by @redheadpei
Castle Sneznik contributed by @seckorama
Masquerade mask contributed by @seckorama

Some photos from Pixabay
Leon Tigre - Pixabay
Dragon - Pixabay
Puente romance - Pixabay
Hagenbach Los Campos - Pixabay

Base Image by @shaka

Wanna know bout the contest? Just click the link for further information Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 135 - ✨236 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨
Recently the contest is over! Let's wait for the latest contest coming soon!

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