LMAC160: Eco Message

Hello everyone! 😎

That's my entry to the Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 160 - 128 HIVE in the Prize Pool!.

Today's collage is my first contribution to Earth Day, which is coming up soon.
We need to take care of our environment because if we don't, we will suddenly find ourselves in a pigsty and totally degraded.
There is still time to raise awareness and send a message that prevention is better than cure. Let us keep our waters, our air, and our land clean so that posterity will not condemn us.

Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children. (Ancient Indian Proverb)

📷 😎 📷

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Sources for the collage



Contributed to the
#LIL by @amilcar14.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @amilcar14.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @redheadpei.

📷 😎 📷

The creation process

The collage is created in Photoshop.
First, I created a polluted environment, as background.

Next, I added a clean, airy, inverted pyramid and a diamond, and finally, all the butterflies that want to get on it. In layers, object by object.

Hope you have fun!

LIL Beneficiaries:

📷 😎 📷

#LMAC2023: Alternative, The Dream Machine, Perspective, Disruption, Complexity, Celebration, FreeStyle Starter

Take a look at my previous LMAC collages - divided by years - Slideshow animations with AI sounds:)

LMAC2020 | LMAC 2021 | LMAC 2022

My contribution to LIL - LMAC Image Library

📷 😎 📷

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