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LMAC-Round 99: Buddhist Home By The Seaside

My collage features a house on the seaside where Buddhist Monks reside. Surrounded by the peace and tranquility of nature they spend time in quiet meditation and reflecting on the philosophical teachings of Buddha.

It is sunset as two monks walk along the shore to view the beauty of the sun’s reflection on the water.

The giant butterflies float happily around the area while a Great Blue Heron is coming in for a landing.

My collage before it was edited in

Original template provided by @shaka. This is photo is to be used to start your collage.

My additions:

I removed original house and place it into my photo of the sunset on the sea.

The rest of the add-ons are taken from other photos I have taken: Backgrounds have been removed.

  • Buddhist Monks. I had their ok to take the photo while in the Down East Mall at Montague, PEI.

  • Painted Lady Butterflies

  • Swallowtail Butterfly on Chives

The first collage is my entry to @shaka’s Lets Make A Collage Contest.

LMAC - 20%
Normally each contributor of a photo you used from the #LIL should be allocated 2% of the post but in this case it was my own two photos.

Check 👉 Here for more information on entering the contest.

The #LIL ..Check Here is a great library to get photos for anyone on Hive.