Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 128 - Goku's Multiverse / El Multiverso de Goku [Eng / Esp]

When I saw this morning the proposal of the Let's Make a Collage community the first thing that came to my mind was Dragon Ball, because of the fact that I saw those clouds and I remembered that the main character Goku used to travel a lot in them.

I went back to 1989 when I was not a child but I was also a victim of the fashion of this Japanese anime.

My intention with the Collage is to show how would be the search of the Dragon Balls if this so fashionable multiverse would be opened, with several versions of Goku.

This is my participation in the Let's make a collage - A contest for all creatives on Hive - Round 128. Link Aqui

Cuando vi esta mañana la propuesta de la comunidad de Let's Make a Collage lo primero que se me vimo a la mente fue Dragon Ball, por el hecho de observar esas nubes y recorde que su personaje principal Goku viajaba mucho en ellas.

Retrocedi al año 1989 cuando a pesar de no ser un niño tambien fui victima de la moda de este anime japones.

Mi intención con el Collage es mostrar como seria la busqueda de las Bolas del Dragon si se abriese este tan de moda multiverso, con varias versiones de Goku.

Esta es mi participacion en la iniciativa Hagamos un collage - Un concurso para todos los creativos en Hive - Ronda 128. Link Here


Image provided by @shaka:

Imagen suministrada por @shaka:


Images taken from the LIL Library:

Imagenes de la biblioteca LIL:

Title: Fractal
Author: @tormenta

Title: Rubieux Blocks
Author: @justclickindiva

Images taken from Pixabay:

Imagenes de Pixabay:








I thank the community for promoting these initiatives that inspire and entertain us at the same time. The members of it become more creative and skillful week after week. Greetings and good luck to all!

Agradezco a la comunidad el propiciar estas iniciativas que nos inspiran y divierten a la vez. Los integrantes de ella nos volvemos mas creativos y habiles semana tras semana. Un gran saludo y suerte a todos!.

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