In the light of the footlights | A la luz de las candilejas- Round 168✨

Greetings to the members of the community. I present to you the collage for LMAC Round 168.

In the light of the footlights

In the light of the footlights,
you came to me, that April,
subtle rapture without complaint,
pity me, just be gentle.

In the light of the footlights,
the boreal heart beats,
I find myself a prisoner, without bars,
you are my ideal world.

In the light of the footlights,
the seduced souls dance,
always united like skeins
restlessness that only you calm.

Saludos a los miembros de la comunidad. Les presento el collage de la Ronda LMAC 168

A la luz de las candilejas

A la luz de las candilejas,
viniste a mí, aquel Abril,
sutil arrebato sin quejas,
apiádate de mí, se gentil.

A la luz de las candilejas,
late el corazón boreal,
me hallo prisionera, sin rejas,
eres tú mi mundo ideal.

A la luz de las candilejas,
danzan las seducidas almas,
siempre unidas como madejas,
inquietud que solo tú calmas.

The images used for the construction of the collage are listed below:

Las imágenes utilizadas para la construcción del collage se enumeran a continuación:

@shaka Original image

Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @rebolegi.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @rebolegi.

Source of/de pixabay.

Thanks for your visit.

Gracias por tu visita.


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