Introducing the LMAC Curation Trail - Support Original Collage Art on Hive and Boost Your Curation Rewards by Frontrunning a 200k+ Vote!


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The @lmac account will start curating entries to the LMAC contest. The @lmac vote will be followed by a scaled 200k+ HP vote with an intentional delay of 5 minutes to provide the entire trail with a boost on curation rewards.

The 'Let's Make a Collage' contest - in short the LMAC - is about to enter its 37th round.

Started as a niche offering, the LMAC has meanwhile attracted a dedicated community with more than 130 subscribers and counting. The past rounds were regularly joined by 30-40 participants who enjoy making collages and competing with their creations in a friendly competition.

In our growing community of LMACians all skill-levels are represented. We have enthusiastic hobbyists, whose ideas and creativity never fail to amaze, as well as some highly skilled professionals who contribute impressive collage art.

To provide further support for all contributions made to the LMAC community, the @lmac account has been registered as a curation trail at and will from now on curate submissions to the LMAC.

All Hivers and Art-lovers who wish to support original collage art on Hive but don't have the time to curate for themselves can now follow the @lmac vote easily:

lmac trail_v2.jpg

ā— The @lmac trail will be followed by a scaled 200k+ HP vote with an intentional delay of 5 minutes! Thus, all frontrunning trail votes will receive a substantial boost on their curation rewards!

The rules by which the @lmac account curates are short and simple:

  • Only rule-compliant original contributions that are posted to the LMAC community will be voted on.
  • The @lmac account will never be used to pull the trail on the posts of the community owner nor on posts outside of the LMAC community.

Please respond to this post if you have further questions or wish to learn more about the LMAC!

See you soon at the next round of 'Let's Make a Collage!'


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