LIL : My Contribution To LMac Gallery - Stinging Wasp

Good afternoon all.

I hope you are all well and all our affairs are smoothed out wherever we are, on the occasion of this afternoon I will try again to share with all my friends, of course in this amazing #lmac community. Today I have managed to collect some photos of stinging wasps that I took using a smartphone camera and a macro lens as a tool for my camera.

I was thinking maybe this object can be used as collage material in the #lmac and #lil galleries and here are some photos I hope you enjoy seeing.

Stinging Wasp. nature, animal,art, photography, wasp.
Stinging Wasp nature, animal,art, photography,wasp.
Stinging Wasp. nature, animal,art, photography,wasp.
Stinging Wasp. nature, animal,art, photography,wasp.
Stinging Wasp. nature, animal,art, photography,wasp.
Stinging Wasp. nature, animal,art, photography,wasp.
Stinging Wasp. nature, animal,art, photography,wasp.
Stinging Wasp. nature, animal,art, photography,wasp.

This is what I can share on this occasion, hopefully it can be accepted in the #lmac and #lil galleries and thank you also for those of you who have been willing to visit my blog.

By @khaidir

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